Dark Side of the Season

"To be or not to be."
That is the question I have been struggling with for the past few weeks. To be a put-together adult and put some time and effort into my outward appearance, or to just say "screw it" and leave the house with nary a thought on how I look. That will always be my struggle. Some days, it's easier for me to want to look really cute, and actually plan out an outfit, actually take the time to apply my makeup.
But, then there are the days (which, realistically, are almost every day) where I value my sleep more than waking up and putting makeup on. I tend to reach for the snooze button, and pull on a pair of some comfy jeans and head out the door.
Today, I found an outfit that is a solution to my warring desires within my fashion-loving heart. The whole vibe is that I am comfy, casual, but totally put together. It looks as if I carefully curated this whole look, but really, all I did was add the right accessories to make it look nicer than it really is.

Another bonus, I scored this awesome Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" t-shirt, and my life has never been the same. I always get so many compliments when I where it, and it's safe to say that I have become *comfortably numb* to the stares I get when I wear it.
If you don't get this reference, I'm sorry. It must be tragic to live your life not knowing such a great song. Look it up, right now. I'll wait.
Anyway, back to fashion. So, suffice to say that I have been living in this tee ever since I bought it a few weeks ago. But, I wanted to keep the edgy vibe, but add a pop of color for spring. Hence the title of this post, Dark Side of the Season, I am wearing a black, moody outfit, but didn't want to forget that it's spring time, so I chose to wear my magenta floral heels. That is what takes this outfit to the next level.

I feel fun in this outfit. I feel edgy in this outfit, But most importantly, I feel so comfortable in this outfit. And comfort, both physically, and emotionally, is so important.
I know I may sound like a broken record, but seriously, be yourself. Dress exactly how you want. Wear heels, even if people stare. Rock some blue eyeshadow if that is your thing. Or, be like me, and show up to work with your hair in a ponytail and just some concealer, because you'd rather sleep than look like a regular human being.
Anyway, thank you for reading yet another post, which consists of my ramblings on beauty and fashion. It means a lot to me.
See y'all next week!!