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I'm Feeling 22

I'm thankful to TSwift for turning a 22nd birthday into a fun experience. It used to be that 21 was the big, cool birthday. Which it totally is. But, 22? Now, we get a song dedicated to one, lone birthday. The official 'Taylor Swift Birthday'. So thank you Tay, you the real MVP.

Each year as I grow a little bit older, a little bit wiser, I have come to realize a few more things about myself and who I am as a person. And those realizations have begun an outward manifestation via my style and overall countenance. Here are some things 22 year of life has taught me:

1) Life is short-- focus on what's important

This one seems overplayed; but hear me out. I get it, I'm not that old. But through the limited time I have lived on this earth, I see the importance of letting go of the things that hinder your growth, which more often than not, isn't that important anyway. I see how stewing over petty BS can negatively impact your day, your mind, your life. Reprioritize your focus, and you'll find that you'll become a happier individual.

2) Value yourself

If I have learned anything from this past year, is that I need to constantly show my mind, body, and soul respect. Taking the time to get your mind in a healthy space is pivotal to your success. I've experienced what it's like to not view my self as valuable (thanks depression!!!) and it is so discouraging and hard to do anything in that mindset. Put effort into yourself and show yourself love. We humans are beautiful and powerful, it's important to remember that about ourselves.

3) Don't care what others think

Someone doesn't like your style? Who cares. Someone doesn't like your haircut? Oh well. No one understands your addiction to a certain band? Bye Felicia. Basically, you should embrace every facet of your personality and what makes you unique, and live your life authentically. Go full force with your likes and embrace them. Who cares wether or not other people will get it, or like it. I'm not living my life for the benefit of other people, I'm living it for me. So I'm going to wear heels to the movie theatre if I want, because I CAN. Seriously, not caring about the criticisms of other people has set me free, and my life is so much better because of it.

So, with all of those things in mind, you can start to see why I decided to go all out for my birthday this year. I had inspiration behind what I wore, I had the confidence within myself to wear it, and I had the 'don't care' attitude to wear it out to dinner, knowing people would be looking. It was so empowering!!! No pair of pumps or shade of lipstick could ever replicate the feeling of contentment that self-confidence inspires.

For my birthday dinner, my inspiration was derived from a 1970's disco doll mixed with Lana Del Rey at the 2018 Grammy's. I wore a white pleated dress, full on glitter eyes, and adorned my hair with golden stars. Oh, and we can't forget about my magenta block heels with small flower appliqués. Plus, seeing as I am a self-proclaimed glitter addict, I bathed myself in the same body/eye glitter by applying it to the exposed skin of my arms and chest. That way, I glittered and gleamed in the light.

Truly, this whole look was a dream come true.

As time goes on, I will continue to be thankful for my time here on earth. I thank God daily for my many blessings, and remain humble in the face of those blessings. I want to remain grateful, and want to remain true to myself, and never have to apologize to strangers for who I am. And you shouldn't either. Embrace who you are, and you will begin to flourish.

Be confident. Be bold. Be unapologetically you.

Tons of love,




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